KAU Admissions Requirements




Admission to KAU for Students Intending to Join the Faculty of Engineering


General conditions for KAU admissions are detailed in the Deanship of Admissions and Registration web page http://admission.kau.edu.sa/Pages-Admission1.aspx, which include the following



The student must be a Saudi national or born of a Saudi mother (Non Saudis acceptance is subject to the special rules and regulations of the university). 


The student must have graduated from high school and obtained the ‘General Secondary Education Certificate’ (GSEC) or its equivalent. The certificate should have been obtained no earlier than three years prior to the expected start of university studies; however, the university may waive this condition for an otherwise acceptable applicant.


The student must have had good behavior and conduct in secondary school and must present a certificate to that effect.


The student should not have been dismissed from KAU or from any other university for academic reasons. If it appears at any time after the student has been admitted that he had previously been academically dismissed from an institution of higher education, his/her admission shall be considered void.


Students are enrolled on a full-time basis only. Prospective students who are employed should present a written permission from their employer allowing them to register in the university on a full-time basis.


Male students must take two standardized tests administered by the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education, as follows:



The General Aptitude Test (GAT –  similar to the SAT Reasoning Test of the College Board in the US)



The Achievement Test for Science Colleges (ATSC)


Female students must take one standardized test administered by the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education: Achievement Test for Science Colleges - Females. The test contains two parts: A ‘General Aptitude Part’ and an ‘Educational Achievement Part’. Two separate sub-scores are reported for each part of the test.


The student should not be registered for another academic degree at KAU or at any other university.


Students intending to apply to the Faculty of Engineering should secure admission to the ‘Foundation Year Scientific Track’ program at King Abdulaziz University. Admission to this program is competitive based on the university’s available capacity, and the ranking of applicants according to the following weighted score:


Weighted Score = 0.5*GSEC score + 0.3*GAT score + 0.2*ATSC score




GSEC score is the student cumulative grade point average in the last three years of high school (General Secondary Education Certificate)



GAT score is the student score in the General Aptitude Test




For males: the student score in the General Aptitude Test




For females: the student sub-score in the General Aptitude Part of the ‘Achievement Test for Science Colleges – Females’ Test



ATSC score is the student score in the Achievement Test for Scientific Colleges:




For males: the student score in the Achievement Test for Science Colleges




For females: the student sub-score in the Educational Achievement Part of the ‘Achievement Test for Science Colleges – Females’ Test


Applicants fill out and submit an online application through the admissions portal of the Deanship of Admissions and Registration website, and present the required original documents to the Deanship at a later stage.


Last Update
3/6/2015 7:03:14 PM