KAU Engineering Admissions Requirements



Faculty of Engineering Admissions


The process of KAU Engineering student intake is competitive. Students apply to the Faculty of Engineering after successfully completing all the courses of the Scientific Track of the Foundation Year. The Faculty of Engineering Council determines the maximum number of students to be admitted each year (usually around 400 male students and 75 female students). It admits students with the highest GPAs among those who satisfy the following conditions:



A minimum numerical grade of at least 80% in each of the Math 110, Physics 110, and English courses of the foundation year


A cumulative GPA of 3.5 out of 5 or higher



Faculty of Engineering Academic Programs Admissions


After admission into the Faculty of Engineering, students study for one ‘common year’. To be eligible for specialization in a specific departmental program within the college, a student must have passed all the courses of the ‘common year’ with the possible exception of one single course, which the student would be required to take in his/her first semester of specialization.


Towards the end of the semester, which marks the student’s eligibility for specialization, the student is required to fill out an electronic ‘Specialization Request Form’  in which he/she ranks all open engineering programs by order of preference. The students are matched to the programs (specialization majors) according to their GPA, selection ranking, and the capacity of each engineering program. There are currently 14 engineering programs in the Faculty of Engineering that are open to male students while 2 are open to female students.


Students are allowed to change their specialization within the Faculty of Engineering only once during their whole study period. Such a change is allowed only for the students who have completed less than 50% of the credit units required by the current specialization by the end of the semester, during which they apply for specialization change. Applicants for specialization change submit their request electronically and compete with the rest of the students eligible for specialization.


Last Update
8/23/2015 3:40:03 PM