Academic Affairs Unit (AAU)

The Academic Affairs Unit (AAU) guides and directs freshman students at the Faculty of Engineering in all affairs related to their educational progress, including registration, adding and dropping courses, cancellation or determining the equivalence of courses, etc. The AAU provides all student information to their respective academic advisors at the start of each semester, in addition to cooperating with the various engineering departments in all matters related to student academic and/or extra-curricular activities.


The AAU utilizes the electronic registration system “ODUS Plus” to regulate various processes concerning student registration and counseling, and maintains all student records, which are continually updated, for student and administrative reference. Additional computer programs have also been designed by the AAU to regulate and control student co-op training activities with external agencies in the country. AAU staff perform the following tasks:


-       provide guidance to new students and helps them settle in the KAU Engineering environment

-       advise students on how they can register, and add or drop courses

-       prepare and organize the respective core courses examination time-table

-       announce to students all notices related to academics

-       facilitate student academic counseling


After two semesters of exclusive AAU assistance, the respective engineering departments take charge in providing counseling to their students through faculty academic advisors until graduation.  With this, students are expected to maintain their own level of academic conscientiousness by ensuring the following:


-       be aware of all academic programs and student related statutes and regulations

-       set their own objectives to suit their aptitude and abilities

-       know the ways and means and take decisions to pursue their academic goals

-       consistently project a good image and impression of self to all Counseling Unit


The Faculty of Engineering established the Student Counseling Unit as a result of a study conducted among some of its students who faced significant challenges during their course of study in the college. Some of these students had difficulty coping with their academic situation, and unfortunately had to discontinue their studies. When following up through dialogue with these students, it became evident of the need to establish such a unit, as students undergoing difficulty and needing some advice to help them find solutions for these challenges, can be a normal thing to experience, but not normal to have nowhere to turn.


Through the experience of some of our faculty members with such cases, it was found that individual meetings with such students contributes positively to paving the way to successful strategies.  In doing so, the AAU uses caution not interfere, nor create conflict with the role of the academic advisors, since its role is not registration issues and/or course study plans.


A group of distinguished senior faculty members were chosen from various disciplines to represent all KAU Engineering departments at KAU, who all abide by the units integrity and ethics codes which aim to protect the privacy of student personal information. Consequently, all student counseling sessions are held in the adviser’s office. Additional goals of the Student Counseling Unit are:


§   developing students’ personal capabilities

§   helping students overcome academic, social and personal challenges

§   strengthening relationships between students and faculty members

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Last Update
11/10/2014 6:09:44 PM