Language Support Unit (ALSU) members are language specialists and provide their
expert services to engineering students for continuous improvement and
development in the academic language area. This unit organizes numerous
workshops for the students to enhance their English language and communication
skills. The topics covered range from English Composition Skills, Effective
Presentations, Developing CVs, & Writing Cover Letters, Referencing Styles
and Developing Research Proposals. The ALSU also designs and runs need based
English Language Courses.
Workshops’ Outline
Workshop Evaluation Form
Workshop Student Attendance Sheet
ALSU Workshops for this Semester:
1 - ALSU Workshops
for three Departments Spring 2015
ALSU Workshops Archive:
1 - ALSU Workshops Fall 2013
2 - English Language Workshops for Chemical Eng
Department Spring 2014
3 - English Language Workshops for EE Department
Spring 2014
4- ALSU Workshops for EE Depart Fall 2014 - 15
5- ALSU Workshops for IE Depart Fall 2014 -