Vision, Mission and Qualities of Engineering Graduates

Mission Statement of King Abdulaziz University

To enrich society through cultural prominence, scientific acumen and pioneering research.


Vision Statement of Faculty of Engineering

To be recognized, in the region and beyond, as a leader in engineering education, applied research, and community services.


Mission Statement of Faculty of Engineering

Prepare qualified engineers through education & training and conduct high-class research to sustain and maintain development of the society


Core Values

The Faculty of Engineering embraces the following core values at the KAU  

§ Integrity :        Nurture esteem for professional integrity and ethical behaviours

§ Innovation :     Integrate innovation and creativity in engineering design

§ Quality :           Commitment to quality assurance and continuous improvement

§ Diversity :        Attract and develop an outstanding and diverse faculty, student body, and staff

§ Collaboration:   Promote local, national, and international collaboration to acquire excellence in achieving common and complementary aims.


Qualities of Engineering Graduates

The Faculty of Engineering is fully aware of its responsibilities towards its graduates as depicted in the above mentioned mission statement. In order to support the mission of the faculty as well as the mission of the university the Faculty is preparing engineering graduates who possess the following career and professional capabilities which are implicitly included in the educational objectives of different engineering programs. The engineering graduates are expected to:

·      Perform professionally: The graduates should be able to exhibit integrity, maintain ethical standards, accept responsibility, take initiative, and provide leadership.

·      Demonstrate technical competence: They must think creatively, search broadly and use state of the art engineering tools to identify and formulate safe innovative approaches.

·      Work efficiently: They should act as an effective team member using project management techniques with formal and informal communication skills to ensure timely and within-budget completion of work projects with expected quality.

·    Keep commitment: The students must remain business focused, quality oriented, and committed to sustainable development of the society and to ensure personal and professional development.


Last Update
4/24/2024 10:38:56 AM