ورش عمل اللغة الإنجليزية والمقررات الدراسية

The ALSU members are language specialists and provide their expert services to engineering students for continuous improvement and development of their English language skills. The ALSU organizes numerous workshops for the students of the Faculty of Engineering for the enhancement of their English language skills. In addition to the following workshops, the unit will schedule need-based English Language courses and workshops throughout the academic year.

(Registration is now open for all the workshops)

Workshops & Short Courses

Click the link for details

1. English Composition Skills  Course 

2. Research Proposal Development

3. Citation Styles Referencing

4. Effective Presentations

5. Effective Cover Letter

6. Courses on IELTS and GRE

آخر تحديث
10/28/2013 7:01:02 AM