Research Proposal Development

Workshop Title:

Research Proposal Development

Prepared & delivered by Dr. Mamoon Alaraj

Introduction: Writing a good research proposal is a first step towards qualifying for a course of study or earning a fellowship. It is an index of your training as a graduate and your a priori knowledge of the subject you propose to research. It calls forth your linguistic skills, which, if assisted by proper guidance, can work marvels in your life. Given below is the skeletal outline of the course:

§         Choosing the Title

§         Writing the Abstract

§         Writing the Introduction

§         Literature Review

§         Methodology

§         Analysis of Results

§         Discussion, Recommendations & References

Date(s):            December 18, 2013

Time:                2:30 – 5:00 pm

Duration:          Two and a Half Hours

Venue:              Building 42 – A  Room 403


At the end of the workshop students should be able to:

1-     Identify the different elements of the research proposal.

2-     Look into a scientific sample of a research proposal.

3-     Write a short and well organized research proposal.

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10/27/2013 10:33:37 AM