Industrial Advisory Board

Industrial Advisory Board

In order to enhance and regularize the University-Industry cooperation, the Faculty of Engineering has constituted an Industrial Advisory Board in the year 1423H (2003G). The Board consists of leading personalities from public and private organizations besides senior Faculty members. It is observed that the decisions of the Board have positive and lasting influence on the overall role of the Faculty of Engineering towards the service of local industry, in particular, and the community, in general. The following objectives are set out for the Board.

·    Consolidating the relationship between the Faculty of Engineering and the Public and Private Sector organizations.

·    Providing an opportunity to the Public and Private Sectors to recommend changes and contribute to the development of Faculty’s educational programs to suit market manpower needs and professional requirements of the market.

·    Synchronizing development in academic programs and the number of engineering graduates according to specialization and market needs.

·   Assessing and fulfilling the needs of the private sector by arranging training for their employees, through short courses and seminars.

·    Increasing cooperation with the private sector in all engineering disciplines for purposes of promoting scientific research within the Faculty by addressing and solving real-life problems of the local industry and community.

·     Increasing cooperation with the Private Sector organizations for all engineering disciplines for participation in summer training programs for the students as well as by providing an opportunity for the faculty members to professionalize their experience.

Last Update
3/4/2013 4:57:27 PM